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Dr. Rebecca Bailey on Polyvagal Theory, Equine Therapy, and Trauma Recovery

Season #2

 In this episode of  The Infinite Approach, I interview Dr. Rebecca Bailey about her groundbreaking work with Polyvagal Theory in equine therapy and extreme trauma treatment. Dr. Bailey delves into the science of how our nervous system influences our ability to connect and heal, offering insights on how these principles apply to both horses and humans. Whether you're a dog owner, horse trainer, or simply interested in trauma therapy, this episode offers a unique perspective on the profound connections between nervous systems across species. Don't miss this enlightening conversation!

Here are the links to the relevant websites for the Polyvagal Institute and Dr. Rebecca Bailey:

  1. Polyvagal Institute:


    Main Website:

    PVI Community App:

    What is Polyvagal Theory?

    Course: Overview of Polyvagal Theory for the Newly Acquainted discount code for this course: k9optima)

    Course: Dogs Connect - Connection, Regulation and Empathy (15% discount code for this course: DogsConnect15)

    9 minute video: Trauma and the nervous system: a polyvagal perspective


    Polyvagal Equine Institute:

    Main Website: